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Gábor, Istvan, Campden BRI Magyarország (Hungary)
Gadde, Lars-Erik, Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden)
Gagalyuk, Taras, Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe (IAMO) (Germany)
Galioto, Francesco, Agricultural Economics, DSEEA (Italy)
Gao, Zhifeng, University of Florida (United States)
Garbade, Philipp J.P., Wageningen University (Netherlands)
Garibay, Salvador, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Switzerland (Switzerland)
Gębska, Monika, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (Poland)
Gellynck, Xavier, Ghent University (Belgium)
Gellynck, Xavier, Department of Agricultural Economics, Ghent University (Belgium)
Genillard, Christopher (Germany)
Georges, Celina Martinez (Brazil)
Ghali, Mohamed (France)
Ghelfi, Rino, University of Bologna (Italy)
Gil-Araujo, M., University of Zulia (Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of)
Giraud, Georges, Bourgogne Franche-Comté University (France)
Giraud, Georges (France)
Giraud, Georges
Giraud, Georges, UMR 1041 CESAER INRA AgroSup Dijon, France (France)
Giulia, Botta (Italy)
Göbel, Christine, University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Sustainable Nutrition (Germany)
Göbel, Christine, University of Applied Sciences, Münster (Germany)
Göbel, Christine, University of Applied Sciences Münster (Germany)
Göbel, Christine, University of Applied Sciences, Münster
Gocsik, E., Business Economics, Department of Social Sciences, Wageningen University (Netherlands)
Goddard, Ellen, University of Alberta, (Canada)
Goense, Daan, Wageningen UR, Livestock Research (Netherlands)
Goggin, Jamie (Ireland)
Goisser, Simon (Germany)
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