The Value of Urban Farming in Oslo, Norway: Community Gardens, Aquaponics and Vertical Farming

Geir Wæhler Gustavsen, Helge Berglann Berglann, Elisabeth Jenssen, Signe Kårstad, Divina Gracia P. Rodriguez


Urban agriculture is increasingly recognized as an important sustainable pathway for climate change adaptation and mitigation, for building more resilient cities, and for citizens’ health. Urban agriculture systems appear in many forms – both commercial and non-commercial. The value of the services derived from urban agriculture, e.g., enhanced food security, air quality, water regulation, and high level of biodiversity, is often difficult to quantify to inform policymakers and the general public in their decision making. We perform a contingent valuation survey of four different types of urban agriculture Where the citizens of Oslo are asked about their attitudes and willingness to pay non-commercial (urban community gardens and urban gardens for work training, education and kindergartens) and for commercial (i.e. aquaponics and vertical production) forms of urban agriculture. Results show that the citizens of Oslo are willing to increase their tax payments to contribute to further development of urban farming in Oslo.


Willingness to pay; community garden; aquaponics; vertical farming; Oslo

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ISSN 1869-6945


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