Ensuring sustainable agricultural development in Kazakhstan: Sources of funding

Guldana Yessimkhan, Nalima Sartanova


Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan has great potential, still, it is characterized by several problems. The aspects of normative-legal regulation of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan concerning financial relations in the sphere were summarized. The main statistical indicators of the agriculture, forestry, and fisheries sectors of the state were analyzed. The analysis of the structure of investments in the enterprises of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries of the Republic of Kazakhstan was carried out. The main issues concerning the financing of agriculture of the state are defined and the directions of their solution are offered.


Agro-industrial complex; investment; food security; crop production; livestock; enterprise fixed capital; environmental problems

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18461/ijfsd.v15i3.L0

ISSN 1869-6945


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