Foodstragramming of Solo Dining Experiencescape: The Fear of Missing Out

Bintang Handayani


This study explored the foodstragramming or consumption photo-sharing and the solo dining experiencescape. Solo dining experiencescape is framed by culinary tourists and food neophobia of Instagram users. The narrative approach was employed to explore an Instagram post on Brooklyn ramen shop by BuzzFeed’s Tasty in relation to food-related personality traits and perceived territoriality. The collaborative branding of culinary tourism experiencescape denotes the use of Instagram. Introverted Instagram users were found to be co-creators, but food-related personality traits did not exclusively construct their visit plan. As the perceived territoriality and social distancing were found to augment foodstragramming of solo dining in this study, the visit plan of solo dining in culinary tourism was not solely perceived by introverted people. The use of the narrative approach in this study provided unique and valuable insights to these theoretical perspectives that may be overlooked by other analyses or approaches.


culinary tourism; introversion; foodstragramming; ramen; solo dining experiencescape

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ISSN 1869-6945


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