How Different Consumer Groups with Distinct Basic Human Values Gather, Seek and Process Information on Meat Topics: The Case of the German Animal Welfare Initiative

Darya Hirsch Hirsch, Christian H. Meyer, Cristina Massen, Wiltrud Terlau


In January 2015, German retail and industry jointly started a sector-wide initiative (“Initiative Tierwohl” - ITW) to improve animal welfare standards. The principle of the ITW is communicated mostly via the websites of ITW and its participating companies. However, uncertainty remained whether or not these websites provide the necessary information consumers need on the ITW products. Based on Schwartz's basic human values, different types of consumers were identified by a cluster analysis (ward-method, k-means). The results showed that depending on expressed meta‐values (Self-Transcendence/Openness to Change Self-Enhancement or Conservation), respondents had different specific information sources and needs. Online sources were rarely mentioned, the majority of consumers referred to brochures, flyers and interpersonal contacts.


Schwartz's portrait value questionnaire (PVQ); Values; Information needs; Factor and Cluster analyses; Consumer; Attitudes; Communication

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