Strategies for the Agro-food Sector

Franco Rosa



The agro-food sector is receiving a great deal of attention for topics of general interest as the food quality, security and safety, alternative uses of crops in food/feed/fuel, growing concern for GHG (Green House Gas) emission, LCA (Life Cycle Assessment), energy consumption. In the EU policies directed to implement sustainable local agro-food systems, the AFSC (agro-food supply chain) is emerging as the central issue in planning integrated farm-food activities performed in a space-time dimension. In this paper it is presented a methodology of regional planning the AFSC supported by empirical evidences about the region FVG (Friuli Venezia Giulia). The reference product is the Mais a crop largely cultivated in the region. A composite information system is used to simulate the evolution of complex scenarios and predict the consequences of food policies and suggest measures to be introduced in the RDP (Regional Development Plan).The integration of technical and economic disciplines allowed to approach the strategy of regional planning in a broader rural development framework to simulate the achievement of macro-micro targets.

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ISSN 2194-511X


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